2/18/13 | By: Carl Ace

True Love Waits

this photo is added just to capture readers. It doesn't mean what it shows. :D HAHA!

One bright morning, you were sitting at a bench at your school. Whistling, staring somewhere your eye-lenses are bringing you, or maybe, waiting for something to make you stand and walk away for the next second.  Suddenly, she passed. You’re eyes spark as you stared. She noticed you. You blushed. She smiled. You smiled back. With that magical feeling that makes you think a pink cloud is raising your butt from your seat, suddenly, you felt it is LOVE.

You feel like flying when she’s holding your hand! You feel like heaven when she kisses you! You keep on denying that you are out of your mind and that she’s the reason why you look insane now that you are ‘in love’, yet you are proud to say that this girl is driving you crazy! You can’t get her out of your mind; you keep on wondering what she must be doing this certain moment. Top of all, she’s the last thing you speak on your prayers right before the word Amen.

Man, yeah, you are in love… Well that’s what you want me to say! But I tell you, as long as you build your relationship on buying roses to her every time she finds out that you’ve lied to her, or giving her promises and in return, you expect her to satisfy your sexual desires, or saying I love you to her while texting I love you more to someone in your phone, or giving her all you can give to prove her that you love her but what you really want is for her to say ‘I love you too’ without waiting too long, that is not love. That is just infatuation. Or worst, it might just be that confusing quasi-love feeling called lust.

 Individuals who have their first sexual experience later than average may have more satisfying romantic relationships in adulthood, according to a new study from The University of Texas at Austin. This means that people who waited longer, who picked better in the later age, and who delayed his sexual gratifications, has a happier life as a married man. Among the participants who were married or living with a partner, people with later sexual initiation were more likely to say that they were happy with the way they and their partners handled conflict, how their partners showed them love and affection, and how they enjoyed doing day-to-day things with their partners. The association held up even after taking genetic and environmental factors into account and could not be explained by differences in adult educational attainment, income, or religiousness, or by adolescent differences in dating involvement, body mass index, or attractiveness (http://www.utexas.edu).

True love is, of course, a feeling, but it is so much more. True love can be faked; but real true love is defined by trust, sacrifice, loyalty and patience. Now you might want to know if ‘SHOULD true love wait?’ Unquestionably!

Being a teen by the moment, I’ve been experimental. I thought true love comes with magic. I learned that it doesn’t. I then thought true love comes with giving up all you got just earn love back. I learned that it doesn’t too. I lastly thought that true love is earned by choosing a perfect one and trying to love by following a perfect prospective. But again, I learned that it doesn’t. By reading, comprehending, and analysing, and purely not by experiencing, I learned that true love is built on foundation of trust, sacrifice, loyalty, and patience.

Trust. This is something that is earned, not learned.  It is THAT something that you earn from a person when you say a simple promise and you duly fulfils it. It’s the reason why you feel confident when your partner is working afar, but when she comes back, you know that you were still her last kiss, her last dream, and last person she spoke ‘I love you’. We might love people that we don’t wholly trust. Love is easy to give, easy to show, easy to grow, but not trust. To trust must be the highest form of loving and to be trusted is for sure the greatest assurance of being loved. It comes with time, so true love truly waits!

Sacrifice. You can only love to the level of your sacrifice for sacrifice measures love. How much you do for someone reflects how much you love. True love is not just a feeling; true love is a sacrifice that summons a feeling. It is built on giving, not on receiving. You cannot say that you fell in love because you receive this and that. Love is maintained on giving. You find true love when you learn to give a part of yourself, when you learn to give forgiveness, when you learn to give compassion, all without assuming that you should gain back too. Sacrifice is the fuel that lets you manifest how you love unselfishly and selflessly.

Loyalty. It is when you say ‘I do’, and you mean that you will ‘til the end of all time. It’s when you say ‘I’ll never leave you, I’m always here for you, and I will walk beside you’ and you really mean it. Loyalty is saying I love you to someone but what you really mean is ‘trust me that you are and you will be the only one that I’ll love as much as forever allows us’. True love is loyal.

Patience. If what you really want is to express is true love, you will be willing to wait. Love shouldn’t be built on experiments. It should not be forced. True love stands the test of time, a test that only a patient man who’s truly in love surpasses. True love waits!

These facts are not new to me. I was told of these a long time ago by people who found true love. But I didn’t take it seriously. I entered relationships by following too much heart without mind and sometimes, with too much mind without heart. After passing few break-ups, there is one thing I learned. TRUE LOVE WAITS. I must not hurry love, for if I will; it is not love that I’ll find but another nail in the head.

I know in time, there will be that one person who will find true love with me. And I know in that time, there will be that magic which gonna make me love with trust, sacrifice, loyalty, and patience, and that magic is for sure the magic of TRUE LOVE.