feature: last batch diez bonding as of april 7, 2010.

Time: Noon, April 5, 2010
Place: Ice Kingdom, Malaybalay City
Jollibee, Malaybalay City
Ian: Carl, let’s go to your place. Let’s go to the falls.
Lester: Yah Carl, let’s go there.
Carl: Okay. Thursday would be great. What do you think?
Ian: No, Lester would go to Cebu in Thursday. How about tomorrow?
Carl: Let me just ask permission from my mom, then we’ll plan it.
[In the Jollibee, Carl calls his mom]
Carl: Hi mom, can I bring my classmates to our house tomorrow?
Mom: Sure.
Carl: Yes. Thanks mom. Love yah.
Carl: Yes! She said we can go!
Ian: So, we’ll go there at 9, and we’ll just invite others to come.
Carl: Okay. I’m so excited.
That’s how we planned the outing that we did at our place, an outing that cut-off the ennui that I’m feeling since my birthday.
April 4, my birthday. I was unsure if I would ask my batch mates to come into my house for I’m avoiding something to happen. But when I decided to invite them, my mom countered my plans. The reason was unclear to me, but what’s clear to me is the fact that this birthday party would be my worst party ever.
And so it did. Albeit some of my local friends came and we had a good time, I still couldn’t stand the reality that it would be more memorable if I have spent it with the Batch Diez, for I know, after this few days of last bonding moments, we have to walk on our own, and maybe, we’ll never see each other again.
But unexpectedly, in the 5th day of April, a sudden plan was fixed, and I know, this is what I’m wishing for.
April 6, busy, but also excited, I made sure everything that we need, the foods and the venue, is already prepared. 8: 45 A.M., Roel and Harold came, and then Nica Jan and her little sister arrived later. My dad drove us to CEDAR, a reforestation area, but also a tourism center, that exhibits the beauty of perfect nature. But oh, to my surprise, when we arrived there, the management has already started emptying the pool! I felt sorry when I saw the trails of dismay from the eyes of my friends.
“Now, everything is already out of what I planned,” I said to myself while seeing the water goes down and down. “But I shall not let things happen this way.”
So to scrat
ch out the consternation, I brought Roel and Harold to Natigbasan Falls. I believe I made a right decision, I have seen no more trace of worries in their eyes; instead, I have seen the exhilaration being manifested on their smiles and heartbeats. After some strenuous steps of the stiff way down and heel-cracking river trail to the falls, finally, we reached it. ‘Wow’…the word of the minute. I could still remember how we enjoyed the pain of sharp water drops from the head of the falls to our body. They never did it before, so they enjoyed the moment like they’ll have no chance of doing it again.
I also invited my local friends, Michelle, Queenie, and Marnel so that they would know my batch mates. After some hours of grilling fish and eating, Ian, Lester, Loreto and many more arrived.
“I guess their trip is so tiring,” I said to Michelle when I noticed that they eat so fast, showing that they’re really hungry.

After they ate, we immediately proceeded to Dila falls. The path down there is really ruthless, but OMG, the falls that made us tired of trekking is almost waterless. I believe the phenomenal El Niño is the cause of this cataclysm. I felt guilty for I made my batch mates walk in a long and callous path but what they’ve seen is such a disappointment.
Next stop, head of the Gantungan Falls. I thought they would be bored again in that place but expect the unexpected; they even enjoyed the place more than the other tourists do! From this point, we never experienced any dull moment anymore. They acted like children, eager to try anything the place could offer them. I never thought it would be easy for them to jump the two-storey high bridge above the Gantungan River, an act that I haven’t tried ever since. While we are enjoying the moment, Clarisse and Kenneth came like a surprise. Without wasting any moment, Kenneth jumped into the river from the brigde!
After we felt that our knees are already shaking, we proceeded into our next point, Natigbasan Falls. At this point, not all of us went down, some went back to the cottage because I think they are freezing already. Only I, Harold, Roel, Alex, Loreto, Ian, Lester, Johennery, Kenneth, and Michelle went down to the falls, but that ecstatic experience is really unforgettable. I never visited that place like I did it with them. We even entered inside the waterfalls, witnessing the other side of massive fall of water just in front of us. We even let the river in the falls’ toes hover us like withered leaves.
Even though we already had too much fun, we still decided to go to the foot of Gantungan Falls. The place is so beautiful; immeasurable deep blue water, free wild birds on the cove, and the most majestic, the waterfalls that is fenced by huge and tall rock formation. Unfortunately, we didn’t bring our cameras and phones to this place because the water is so deep, were afraid that our bags would get wet. The waterfalls offered us a rock on its walls where we could stand then jump to its deep river.
The dark clouds warned us that there could be a possibility for a flood to arrive so we decided to go back to the cottage. Way up is really tiring, and we even get dirty, so we immediately washed our bodies and changed clothes when we reached the cottage.
After that, we all went to my house. We had some snacks and a lot of talk. Because it is brown out at that time, we didn’t had karaoke or movie tripping, and so, what they did is borrow DVD’s from my collection. I just hope my DVD’s would be returned.
When the sun is setting, they decided to go home. As they stepped up to the stairs of the bus, I felt teary. “So this is goodbye,” I said to myself while reminiscing the day that made my 3-day long birthday a success.
This is how I have spent my 16th birthday, sharing laughter with the people that I love most. After we trekked the greenly paths, after we jumped from the rocks and from the bridge down to the river, after we conquered the painful strikes of the waterfalls, and just before I lay down to my bed waiting for this painful body aches to ease, I had this moment of clarity like Danny Stein in Bart Got a Room. We can't choose our memories. The best ones just happen. So what's the point of trying to create the perfect moment when the perfect moment is right now?
Time: Noon, April 5, 2010
Place: Ice Kingdom, Malaybalay City
Jollibee, Malaybalay City
Ian: Carl, let’s go to your place. Let’s go to the falls.
Lester: Yah Carl, let’s go there.
Carl: Okay. Thursday would be great. What do you think?
Ian: No, Lester would go to Cebu in Thursday. How about tomorrow?
Carl: Let me just ask permission from my mom, then we’ll plan it.
[In the Jollibee, Carl calls his mom]
Carl: Hi mom, can I bring my classmates to our house tomorrow?
Mom: Sure.
Carl: Yes. Thanks mom. Love yah.
Carl: Yes! She said we can go!
Ian: So, we’ll go there at 9, and we’ll just invite others to come.
Carl: Okay. I’m so excited.
That’s how we planned the outing that we did at our place, an outing that cut-off the ennui that I’m feeling since my birthday.
April 4, my birthday. I was unsure if I would ask my batch mates to come into my house for I’m avoiding something to happen. But when I decided to invite them, my mom countered my plans. The reason was unclear to me, but what’s clear to me is the fact that this birthday party would be my worst party ever.
And so it did. Albeit some of my local friends came and we had a good time, I still couldn’t stand the reality that it would be more memorable if I have spent it with the Batch Diez, for I know, after this few days of last bonding moments, we have to walk on our own, and maybe, we’ll never see each other again.
But unexpectedly, in the 5th day of April, a sudden plan was fixed, and I know, this is what I’m wishing for.
April 6, busy, but also excited, I made sure everything that we need, the foods and the venue, is already prepared. 8: 45 A.M., Roel and Harold came, and then Nica Jan and her little sister arrived later. My dad drove us to CEDAR, a reforestation area, but also a tourism center, that exhibits the beauty of perfect nature. But oh, to my surprise, when we arrived there, the management has already started emptying the pool! I felt sorry when I saw the trails of dismay from the eyes of my friends.
“Now, everything is already out of what I planned,” I said to myself while seeing the water goes down and down. “But I shall not let things happen this way.”
So to scrat
I also invited my local friends, Michelle, Queenie, and Marnel so that they would know my batch mates. After some hours of grilling fish and eating, Ian, Lester, Loreto and many more arrived.
“I guess their trip is so tiring,” I said to Michelle when I noticed that they eat so fast, showing that they’re really hungry.
After they ate, we immediately proceeded to Dila falls. The path down there is really ruthless, but OMG, the falls that made us tired of trekking is almost waterless. I believe the phenomenal El Niño is the cause of this cataclysm. I felt guilty for I made my batch mates walk in a long and callous path but what they’ve seen is such a disappointment.
Next stop, head of the Gantungan Falls. I thought they would be bored again in that place but expect the unexpected; they even enjoyed the place more than the other tourists do! From this point, we never experienced any dull moment anymore. They acted like children, eager to try anything the place could offer them. I never thought it would be easy for them to jump the two-storey high bridge above the Gantungan River, an act that I haven’t tried ever since. While we are enjoying the moment, Clarisse and Kenneth came like a surprise. Without wasting any moment, Kenneth jumped into the river from the brigde!
After we felt that our knees are already shaking, we proceeded into our next point, Natigbasan Falls. At this point, not all of us went down, some went back to the cottage because I think they are freezing already. Only I, Harold, Roel, Alex, Loreto, Ian, Lester, Johennery, Kenneth, and Michelle went down to the falls, but that ecstatic experience is really unforgettable. I never visited that place like I did it with them. We even entered inside the waterfalls, witnessing the other side of massive fall of water just in front of us. We even let the river in the falls’ toes hover us like withered leaves.
Even though we already had too much fun, we still decided to go to the foot of Gantungan Falls. The place is so beautiful; immeasurable deep blue water, free wild birds on the cove, and the most majestic, the waterfalls that is fenced by huge and tall rock formation. Unfortunately, we didn’t bring our cameras and phones to this place because the water is so deep, were afraid that our bags would get wet. The waterfalls offered us a rock on its walls where we could stand then jump to its deep river.
The dark clouds warned us that there could be a possibility for a flood to arrive so we decided to go back to the cottage. Way up is really tiring, and we even get dirty, so we immediately washed our bodies and changed clothes when we reached the cottage.
After that, we all went to my house. We had some snacks and a lot of talk. Because it is brown out at that time, we didn’t had karaoke or movie tripping, and so, what they did is borrow DVD’s from my collection. I just hope my DVD’s would be returned.
When the sun is setting, they decided to go home. As they stepped up to the stairs of the bus, I felt teary. “So this is goodbye,” I said to myself while reminiscing the day that made my 3-day long birthday a success.
This is how I have spent my 16th birthday, sharing laughter with the people that I love most. After we trekked the greenly paths, after we jumped from the rocks and from the bridge down to the river, after we conquered the painful strikes of the waterfalls, and just before I lay down to my bed waiting for this painful body aches to ease, I had this moment of clarity like Danny Stein in Bart Got a Room. We can't choose our memories. The best ones just happen. So what's the point of trying to create the perfect moment when the perfect moment is right now?
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