Yes, it takes a trip to realize, to learn, and to change.
Homebound with bus 2200, a smile on my face keeps on sparkling as the memoirs of the 2-day fieldtrip that just ended minutes ago keeps on flashing in my hippocampus. The education trip didn’t just brought me experiential science lessons but also brought me numerous of happy memories too. Happy memories that I didn’t thought I would gain in my despondent life.
The glass window beside me courageously presents me now the reminiscence of the ecstatic experience with my batch mates. The memories are still so fresh in my mind, as fresh as the moonlit breathe the pines exhale to my body that keeps on giving me the feeling of intense coldness, the feeling that I once lived with, but not now anymore.

When we boarded on the school bus that would send us to the Garden City of Samal, I already expect that I would never enjoy this trip. Why? Because I don’t think a stud with no bosom buddy would enjoy a company of bullies, intimate lovers, well-heeled brats, raucous to taciturn dudes, and as nice as boring people. But the expected disaster turned out as a series of fun moments.
Fun is already present while we are still on the bus. We are taking pictures, eating, singing, shouting, and screaming out loud for nonsense but funny reasons, and sometimes, making fun of those who chose to take a nap and miss the daybreak fun.
The intensity of fun stood to its peak when we reach our destination-- Bluejaz Resort, where enjoyment ranges from prices of a dollar to thousands of pesos. But to us, enjoyment in Bluejaz ranges from a simple smiles to machine gun-like laughter. Everyone enjoyed the giant slides that got our adrenaline pumped to its zenith. We even made the rip-roaring slides even more boisterous when we used salvavidas that almost threw us out of the slides. After that, we went to the infinity pool while some find new kind of fun in the white-sanded beach that sparks as the hot rays of the sun hit the crystalline sands.

In the afternoon, after everyone took a short rest, we went back to the giant slides, and after that to the children’s slides. Then we went back to the infinity pool where we almost dominated the whole area. We drowned ourselves with pictures from afternoon to twilight.
The fun never stops even the night is already framing the paradise. That night was so memorable to me because at that night, I gained inner peace. I opened up with my open- minded friends. We shared our problems while watching the dance of the flying fishes with shimmering scales as those contracts with Davao City lights in the near horizon. My batch mates also enjoyed the social drinking both sponsored and supervised by Mr. Oton. I was really happy that the teachers let us do that, at least even once we can be ordinary teen-agers in front of them.

The next day, we experienced science stories in reality. I was so proud of myself at that time because I just conquered my greatest fear, snakes. Now, I got a picture with a Burmese Python hanging on me. We also witnessed the morphing of a butterfly from its pupa stage. When we are freed to shop at SM, I chose to join the men than the women, which I don’t usually do. At that time, I realized that they don’t discriminate me, I’m just the one whose discriminating myself to them.
I found the company of men far better than the women. They are fun, frisky, and frolicsome; perfectly depicting innocent kids strolling around the park. For the first time, I have tried to dine in Mang Inasal and ate a large size of chicken breast with unlimited supply of rice servings! There, I witnessed the guys taking off the velvetiness and manliness of their selves to ease the hunger that they’ve been keeping for hours. Then after that, we found ourselves making mayhem on the World of Fun! All of us have spent a lot of money there. That placed is such a pocket perforator so I promise myself that I shall never return to that place again! But that place is memorable too, because there, I have scrutinized their childish side. I have witnessed how they giggled when they win and how they clamor when they ought nothing. I also experienced driving a bump car. At that time, we became the apple of the eyes of the people who were intrigued by the genuine fun that they noticed on our actions.
The next, and sadly, the last stop is The Philippine Eagle Center in Malagos, Davao City. At first, I thought that there are just a few eagles there, like a couple or three only because the eagle that welcomed us is just preserved carcass. But I couldn’t almost believe the unambiguous fact that there’s more than just a few! First, we saw Sir Arny. Then after that, more and more giant and gargantuan Philippine Eagles lured my sight. I also saw a community of Long-Tailed Macaques there where they are not stuck with a metal on their foot. They were free, but just in a limited space. I realized that if and only if people don’t keep on ruining their natural habitat, they must not have incessantly suffering from the threat of extinction.

It was minutes to four when we finally departed the heart of the City of Promise. On the way to the City of Pines, we didn’t take a long rest; instead, we just took a nap. Why? It’s because we don’t want to miss the last few hours of bonding, laughing, and singing because it could be our last. The Batch Diez “Are You 1 of Us?” inexorably disturbed the deafening silence of the roadway, from abuttal to abuttal, through showing our prowess in singing our favorite song, As We Go On. I could still remember how I silently shed tears after the song fondled my heart down to my deepest emotional abyss. That made me realizes that the batch that I once cursed and hated to death was so important to me that I don’t want to lose them out. I wish that I had more time with them, and I wish that I could have spent more fun with them. But this is the irony of reality: you would definitely know the importance of others to you when you’re starting to lose them.
Now, the bus 2200 is already rushing near to my destination, my house. Now, I’ll be back to my ordinary life in my home. No more fun, no more friends. But I’ll be knocking the door with a new me: A Carl who has finally found the place where he belongs. I am a wild cat no more from now on. I already knew who am I, and that wouldn’t be possible if I haven’t taken part in the memoirs of the two – day field trip.
For my beloved batch mates, thanks for the unadulterated joy, thanks for the juvenile care, and thank for your time being shared with me. I’ll be missing you.
Homebound with bus 2200, a smile on my face keeps on sparkling as the memoirs of the 2-day fieldtrip that just ended minutes ago keeps on flashing in my hippocampus. The education trip didn’t just brought me experiential science lessons but also brought me numerous of happy memories too. Happy memories that I didn’t thought I would gain in my despondent life.
The glass window beside me courageously presents me now the reminiscence of the ecstatic experience with my batch mates. The memories are still so fresh in my mind, as fresh as the moonlit breathe the pines exhale to my body that keeps on giving me the feeling of intense coldness, the feeling that I once lived with, but not now anymore.
When we boarded on the school bus that would send us to the Garden City of Samal, I already expect that I would never enjoy this trip. Why? Because I don’t think a stud with no bosom buddy would enjoy a company of bullies, intimate lovers, well-heeled brats, raucous to taciturn dudes, and as nice as boring people. But the expected disaster turned out as a series of fun moments.
Fun is already present while we are still on the bus. We are taking pictures, eating, singing, shouting, and screaming out loud for nonsense but funny reasons, and sometimes, making fun of those who chose to take a nap and miss the daybreak fun.
The intensity of fun stood to its peak when we reach our destination-- Bluejaz Resort, where enjoyment ranges from prices of a dollar to thousands of pesos. But to us, enjoyment in Bluejaz ranges from a simple smiles to machine gun-like laughter. Everyone enjoyed the giant slides that got our adrenaline pumped to its zenith. We even made the rip-roaring slides even more boisterous when we used salvavidas that almost threw us out of the slides. After that, we went to the infinity pool while some find new kind of fun in the white-sanded beach that sparks as the hot rays of the sun hit the crystalline sands.
In the afternoon, after everyone took a short rest, we went back to the giant slides, and after that to the children’s slides. Then we went back to the infinity pool where we almost dominated the whole area. We drowned ourselves with pictures from afternoon to twilight.
The fun never stops even the night is already framing the paradise. That night was so memorable to me because at that night, I gained inner peace. I opened up with my open- minded friends. We shared our problems while watching the dance of the flying fishes with shimmering scales as those contracts with Davao City lights in the near horizon. My batch mates also enjoyed the social drinking both sponsored and supervised by Mr. Oton. I was really happy that the teachers let us do that, at least even once we can be ordinary teen-agers in front of them.
The next day, we experienced science stories in reality. I was so proud of myself at that time because I just conquered my greatest fear, snakes. Now, I got a picture with a Burmese Python hanging on me. We also witnessed the morphing of a butterfly from its pupa stage. When we are freed to shop at SM, I chose to join the men than the women, which I don’t usually do. At that time, I realized that they don’t discriminate me, I’m just the one whose discriminating myself to them.
I found the company of men far better than the women. They are fun, frisky, and frolicsome; perfectly depicting innocent kids strolling around the park. For the first time, I have tried to dine in Mang Inasal and ate a large size of chicken breast with unlimited supply of rice servings! There, I witnessed the guys taking off the velvetiness and manliness of their selves to ease the hunger that they’ve been keeping for hours. Then after that, we found ourselves making mayhem on the World of Fun! All of us have spent a lot of money there. That placed is such a pocket perforator so I promise myself that I shall never return to that place again! But that place is memorable too, because there, I have scrutinized their childish side. I have witnessed how they giggled when they win and how they clamor when they ought nothing. I also experienced driving a bump car. At that time, we became the apple of the eyes of the people who were intrigued by the genuine fun that they noticed on our actions.
The next, and sadly, the last stop is The Philippine Eagle Center in Malagos, Davao City. At first, I thought that there are just a few eagles there, like a couple or three only because the eagle that welcomed us is just preserved carcass. But I couldn’t almost believe the unambiguous fact that there’s more than just a few! First, we saw Sir Arny. Then after that, more and more giant and gargantuan Philippine Eagles lured my sight. I also saw a community of Long-Tailed Macaques there where they are not stuck with a metal on their foot. They were free, but just in a limited space. I realized that if and only if people don’t keep on ruining their natural habitat, they must not have incessantly suffering from the threat of extinction.
It was minutes to four when we finally departed the heart of the City of Promise. On the way to the City of Pines, we didn’t take a long rest; instead, we just took a nap. Why? It’s because we don’t want to miss the last few hours of bonding, laughing, and singing because it could be our last. The Batch Diez “Are You 1 of Us?” inexorably disturbed the deafening silence of the roadway, from abuttal to abuttal, through showing our prowess in singing our favorite song, As We Go On. I could still remember how I silently shed tears after the song fondled my heart down to my deepest emotional abyss. That made me realizes that the batch that I once cursed and hated to death was so important to me that I don’t want to lose them out. I wish that I had more time with them, and I wish that I could have spent more fun with them. But this is the irony of reality: you would definitely know the importance of others to you when you’re starting to lose them.
Now, the bus 2200 is already rushing near to my destination, my house. Now, I’ll be back to my ordinary life in my home. No more fun, no more friends. But I’ll be knocking the door with a new me: A Carl who has finally found the place where he belongs. I am a wild cat no more from now on. I already knew who am I, and that wouldn’t be possible if I haven’t taken part in the memoirs of the two – day field trip.
For my beloved batch mates, thanks for the unadulterated joy, thanks for the juvenile care, and thank for your time being shared with me. I’ll be missing you.