Every time I fall, I shall always stand up again
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A Dog's Life
It is pain. It is suffering and grief.
The life of a dog is a dog's life.
Full of fear and gnashing of teeth.
God/dog, dog/god.
Palindromes and dreams of nod.
God/dog, god/dog.
And all I hear leaves me agog.
So lift up a leg to the Hound of Heaven,
to the Great Dog Star in the sky.
Sit up and beg to be forgiven,
and let this sleeping dog lie.
God/dog, god/dog.
It's heady stuff, all cloud and fog.
God/dog, god/dog.
With feet of clay and mind in bog.
The Great Dog Star is our image;
he is made as one of our own.
He doesn't wear clothes and has a wet nose,
and thinks nothing of sucking the bone.
God/dog, god/dog.
Speaks from high: a monologue.
God/dog, god/dog.
In cunning plans, we're only cogs.
The life of a dog is a dog's life.
It is cruel. It is brutal and brief.
The life of a dog is a dog's life.
Thrown a bone to atone like a thief.
God/dog, god/dog.
Like unicorns and golliwogs.
God/dog, god/dog.
A chant easy as falling off logs.
To the Great Dog Star, pay homage.
And croon to a singular moon.
If the night is primal and savage,
obey and bay in good tune.
God/dog, god/dog.
I've seen machine and catalogue.
God/dog, god/dog.
A keen design to whip and flog.
God/dog, dog/god.
It sounds absurd, and awfully odd.
God/dog, dog/god.
Share the word and spare the rod.
So lift up your snout to the Hound of Heaven,
lift up your heart and growl.
Show your respect for the Hound of Heaven,
just throw a ginsberg and howl!
by: David Smith
83 dogs and puppies siezed by Sask. SPCA
Dozens of dogs, including five litters of puppies, were seized by RCMP and the Saskatchewan SPCA recently after officials received complaints about animals in distress.
According to police, on June 4th authorities went to a property in the Leslie area, east of Saskatoon and removed the animals.
"They were not being cared for," Frances Wach, executive director of the Saskatchewan SPCA, said Wednesday. "Because in order for us to take the animals into our care or seize them, they have to be in distress."
Wach said the animals did not have proper food, water or shelter.
The SPCA said it received a number of complaints about the property and the state of the dogs.
RCMP Const. Jim Ferguson was one of the officers at the scene when the dogs were seized.
"Most were outside, tied up basically on leashes," Ferguson said Wednesday. "I believe a couple dogs were located inside a residence on the property."
After the dogs were taken away, they were put in the care of the Saskatoon SPCA. The animals appeared to be huskies, wolfhounds and malamutes.
One of the dogs died and the director of the shelter says they now have 82 dogs to look after.
"We did take care of all their parasite concerns," Tiffiny Koback said. "[We] vaccinated them, provided them with medications to treat internal and external parasites."
On Wednesday, the SPCA said they need help because they have never had to deal with so many dogs all at once.
Koback says donations would be welcomed as they are spending about $800 per day on the new arrivals.
As well, volunteers are needed to help provide basic care for the dogs.
"Their coats are filthy," Koback said. "A lot of them are matted [and] there's fecal matter and urine in their coats. They're in need of a good cleanup."
According to a news release from the RCMP, charges of neglect of animals and causing distress to animals have been laid against a woman from Leslie, Saskatchewan.
April Irvine is to appear in provincial court in Wadena on June 24th.
Police added that other charges may be laid.
CBC News was also told that the owner of the animals has gone to court seeking the return of the animals. That matter is expected to be before a judge next week.
Leslie, Saskatchewan, is about 230 kilometres east of Saskatoon.
Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/saskatchewan/story/2010/06/09/sk-animals-seized-spca-1069.html#ixzz17UI6lU00
Whose to Celebrate in Christmas?

Matthew 1 vs. 21: And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus; for he shall save his people from the sins
In the next couple of weeks, Christians will mark the birthday of Jesus Christ, on what is popularly known as Christmas day. What is the significance of Christmas?
Jesus is the essence of Christmas, as a matter of fact, the word Christmas is a derivation of the word ‘Christ’. If we are celebrating Christmas, it is therefore important to know and believe in the person after whom the day was named.
As shown in the biblical passage above, Jesus Christ came on a salvage mission, to save mankind from their sins. Christmas should therefore be a time for repentance for those who have not accepted God’s plan of salvation for mankind, and a time for sober reflection and rededication for those all those that have accepted the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Jesus was born about 2007 years ago to save you from your sins. The good news is that his salvation programme did not end 2007 years ago. He is still alive ready to save you from your sins. God has given a grace of 2007 years for anyone willing to be saved to come unto him. As Christmas rolls in, it should be a time of remembrance of Gods plan of salvation.
If you do not have Christ in your life, then you be celebrating Christmas without the presence of the Celebrant in your life.
The essence of Christmas is therefore to accept Christ, the celebrant into your life and invite him to dine with you for the rest of your life. The good news is that there is a greater Christmas in heaven, a Christmas whose celebration do not end in a day. Only the redeemed can participate in this everlasting Christmas.
To register your name as a redeemed, repent of your sins, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord, and live a life of complete holiness. Make this confession:
Jesus Christ, I welcome you to my life as this Christmas, I accept Gods plan of salvation through you and accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Come into me and rule me. In Jesus name I pray. (Amen).
I Miss Spongebob ;(
But the truth is I'm not that strong.
Nobody knows it but me. .
I kept all the words you said,
On a box underneath my bed.
Nobody knows it but me. .
But if your happy, I'll get through somehow.
But the truth is I've been screaming out. ."
Teary eyes. How am i going to start this...uhm...
Just like Regina Spektor's "The Call":
which then grew into a hope;
which then turned into a quiet thought;
which then turned into a quiet word.
And then that word grew louder and louder ---
until it was a battle cry.
And look at me now. I end up singing Lady Antebellum's "All We'd Ever Need".
Maybe some things are just meant to end up like this. For I gave hope a damn chance, here is a me, ended up bullshitted. If I had only believed my friends (and my superego) saying its not going to work out and it would just hurt, i must not have been like this---every night crying on my pillow while my soul's screaming my prayers.
It was 6 months ago since my weird hypothalamus forced my heart to beat for "Spongebob". Since then, I look forward to wake up every morning seeing his face; going to school and sit beside or near his seat; and eating beside or in-front his beautiful smile.

My effort was never wasted. At that time, he pays attention to me; talks and laughs with me; and enjoys our early college days together with me. For that, I felt that somehow, though I know it couldn't be more than this, I'm special for him.
My life story with Spongebob flowed smoothly, like a deep river of friendship until one day, we had a misunderstanding. Its not really a big deal but it ruined a lot. For 3 weeks, we never spoke with each other. And it just trudged its way worse than ever after our Humanities 11 field trip, when I discovered logically that he feels something like love to my closest friend. Like buildings falling down to their knees, my world waned.
Like a deep peaceful river that soon would end up to the wanderer's sea, we came to a sudden end. Prayers beseeching God to help me forget Spongebob became a nightly ritual to my life. Till one day, pain finally fully drained my barrels of tears, I learned to accept things and moved on. But goddamn it, I never actually did.
Though I knew that my Spongebob had found someone to love, my foolish heart still continued loving him, and never came to an end. Like a fish in sardines can, I kept on forcing my mere presence to fit, and never had realized that loving a person whose already in love with someone else is like shooting myself with a gun of unlimited bullets.
Sembreak: The Start of the End.
After an outing with Spongebob and our friends, they invited me to sleep on the dorm where Spongebob sleeps. Without thinking about something you know, I, with full innocence, accepted the invitation. If I just knew then what I know now, I must have not bit on the evil's bait.
"Lord, please keep me away from temptation," my prayer before I slept. But for a temptation served as you wished, who would have dream of escaping? I bit, and was reeled. He offered me to sleep with him, got no choice (for other bets got no cushion and sheath), I did. He then offered some dark game, you know, but I stood resistant of the word "NO", for I know that in the morning he would soon realize how creepy what we could have done, and he would hate me for life.
But Justin Time know its rules, and Grim Reaper had finally succeed in pushing me down to my grave, alive. His insistence gave me no escape. A kiss blew me away from my feet. It started with a kiss, and the rest is history. Let's put it simply this way, the night gave me all the time to explore his temple.Til now I couldn't believe on what happened. I never dreamed or craved for this, but the most impossible things to exist just paved its way to existence.
I did that for I love him. But he did it out of lust--he just felt horny.
We decided to keep that as a secret. But I cant stand it. Every night I cry because of the fact that even though we made love, Spongebob never loved me like I do. Do you know how it feels? It's like you want to explode, you want to escape the painful fact. I even attempted suicide. But I guess loads of medicine is not enough to end my agony. I woke up in the morning; failed.
Cornered, I seek for advice. I told my 3 closest friends about what happen. But my fault is one of my closest friend is the woman she love. I didn't mean to turn her off, really. But I guess it's too late.
Truth or Dare: An Ender's Game.
The pen pointed me. "TRUTH," I exclaimed.
"Did something really happen between you and "Spongebob"?
And there the world turned upside-down. Lips paled. Knees knocked each other faster than the speed of my heartbeat.
"How come he knew?" The only thing inside me rolling.
All of them are screaming its obvious! And I screamed NOTHING HAPPENED.
"Hey, I got a tricky question, when you did it, with clothes or with out clothes?"
I answered faster than the speed of light. "WITH CLOTHES!"
I was dis-oriented mentally at that moment, and I thought "with clothes" as an answer would save me. But it's too late when I realized it.
Aftermath: The End.
Telling them to keep it didn't save me. As expected, he knew about the truth or dare thingy, and our secret was no less than a hot topic roaming around our circle of friends.
"And you're so proud?!"
He bawled through text. I tried to stay calm but he never did. All the taboo word that he could scream he screamed. But I still managed to control my emotions. It's my own damn pole-vault anyway.
The day after, I seek for an advice from our common friend. At her side, my tears conquered its barrier. I cried. I cried til the last tear dried on the table.
"It would really hurt." She said.
Days later, he told me that he's sorry for all of those words. He also said that we have to forget that thing happened. But he requested that for the meantime, he wont love our past friendship would come back as is.
I kept a distance. Not just because he requested but because I lost the trust that I gave to our friends.
After Club Praise: What was Ended has Ended.
Thru SMS:
SP: What's wrong. Everything has ended.
Me: Bitch. Lusty.Insensitive. Fuck. Shit. Yawa. I never heard so much of that meant for me til the day I met you.
SP: I have already said sorry, Carl.And please understand me, I was drunk that time.But, I'm really sorry.
Me: Sorry? What's that? Joke. Well, I just dont get it why the bunch of you pound those words into my eardrum when at first place, I don't deserve it because I am not you. When I dug into history, the only wrong that I did was I hang onto your lust, blinded by the mere fact that I love you more than my dignity.
SP: So you wont really forgive me Carl?
I didn't replied. However, I sent a group message saying:
" If sorry could just heal the pain, I could have used it rather than attempting suicide."
Actually, I have already forgiven him, since the day he caused me too pain. However, forgiveness is different when it comes to my perspective. Forgiveness is just a gate for a new beginning, never a cure for a problem. Still, my broken trust to my friends is under construction, and it would really take time to gain full cure.
Pride is really a barrier.
"Lord God, I hope the day would come that he would realize how much I love him. But now I'm not wishing to have him. Just give him the happiness he wants, and I'll be happy. Don't mind if it would hurt me. In Christ I pray. Amen."

Love Dillema
Love Dilemma
Carl Ace R. Parilla
In the darkness this tempest tears my eyes
A tempest only our hearts do hear it
Still yours hearken the muteness of thy lies:
A lie that deny this ardor of mine,
Or a lie that forswears your love to me.
O, how hard it is to seize this affair
Hope it’s just sunset that fades in the west;
Or a music that halts when veils are down
Wish we could end it, then our conscience rest.
That ring on thy finger says you love him,
Yet this kiss on my lips cries thou love me.
Yes, I know it’s wrong; pain is all our doom
But for alteration we got no room.
Choice is in your hand; break his, or break mine.
Father's Day Everyday!
“I wish my baby is alive, and I would hear him saying ‘daddy’.”
That’s a wish of a father-could-have-been last Father’s Day. That’s what a father really is. Whatever he wishes, he never wishes something for his own good; it’s always for his child, wife, and for his family. He strives hard to earn money. He makes day as day, and night as day, just to make sure his family won’t starve. Some even imprison themselves to shame in doing the most pride-degrading jobs just to make sure his child would have a penny for school. But for loads of tacit love that they have given us for years, what have we done in return?
Inexpressive. Dictators. Life-hammerlockers. Egoistic. Cantankerous. Killjoy. That’s how we usually stereotype our dads. When girls talk about love-life, the mother agrees, while the father does otherwise. Why? Because mothers know what’s love, while fathers know what life is. What’s my point? We neglect the nice side of our dads.
Our dads are inexpressive, but would shout at us just to say that not all love is meant to our lives. Our dads are dictators indeed, for they even dictate God to guard us every time that they’re not around. They’re really born as life-hammerlockers, for they’ll never let us go when they know that were not ready yet. So egoistic they are, selfish as we may call them, for they would really insist what they want and would ignore our tears, as long as they know that their choice would bring us to better outcome. Cantankerous maybe, but have you realized how patient they had been when were still newborn babies, taking refuge to their shoulders while they’re standing still, waiting for us to burp? Killjoy, as what we name our dads to our friends. But did once in your life, you made an act that would give your dad a certain happiness that would last? Remember, when your still a child, your dad always buy you balloons an ice cream to paint a smile on your face; is that killjoy?
Now, see how great our dads are? They love us more than anyone. They never wished to be respected, but they wish that we would learn the virtue of respecting. They never wished to be understood, but they wish that we would learn how to openly understand the people around us. They never wish to be praised, but they wish that we would appreciate their overflowing love to us.
Last Father’s Day, I heard my dad’s wish. He said: “I wish I could txt my dad a Happy Father’s Day”. I really want to do my dad’s wish, but that’s impossible. First, my Lolo don’t have a cell phone, second, he’s already dead.
Our dad is the foundation of our family, and showed love to us not only by words, but also by sweat and blood. I wish all of us would give some efforts to show them how much we love them. A piece of ‘I love you’ would never be enough, unless you stand by what you said with all of your heart. I you haven’t greeted you’re dad a ‘Happy Father’s Day’ yet, well, it’s never too late to greet him if you greet him now.
Animal Behavior
“Humans are also animals. And others even behave like animals. Like my new classmates. Well, it’s just a matter of observation.”
3 years in kindergarten. 6 years in elementary. 4 years in high school. Now, I’m 16, and starting thriving for these 6 or more years in another education trench, college.
Enrolled in one of the most prestigious universities in the Philippine archipelago, Central Mindanao University, and standing firm as a freshman of the College of Veterinary Medicine; facing college life is such a hard thing to do for me. Why? Because I’m afraid for the possibility that I won’t meet the high expectations of my parents and all the other people around me. And one thing more, I still don’t know how to adjust to the new environment that I need to live with.
New style of learning, new teachers, new classmates, and new behaviors to understand; these are just few of the many new trends in the new environment that I’m existing in right now. But one thing that really intrigues me is the diversity of the attitudes of my new set of classmates. And as a Vet Med student, the thought that says “they act like animals” slackly entered into my senses. To my classmates, please don’t be offended, it’s just an ordinary stranger’s observation =).
The Jaguars
· The silent but proud, the elite-acting, the highly-territorial: they are the group of boys who never did try to mingle with the animals out of their camouflage range. Usually, they are also the most elusive people in the block. Others even commented that they look and act scary; like jaguars that commonly display their territorial marks with teeth clattering hoarse growls.
The Chimpanzees
· I love these people! They are those who latch onto their company, for good or for better. They share time, laughter, knowledge, and backstabs behind their being different with each other. As of last Friday, I could confidently say that their band won’t be easily brought to an abrupt halt with a simple sunder.
The Sloths
· Innocence also spells like boring! These are those people in a certain group of ladies, and some boys, who talk less, move less, and mingle less, all maybe because they eat less. LOL! At the first two weeks of college life, they were easily outshined by the chimpanzees and the jaguars. But I believe that these sloths would glitter at the end, for sloths though weak in nature, were known for their great clinging prowess at the top of the trees for all of their days.
I myself also consider myself as a human with animal-like behavior. I must be a dog, for I’m stubborn, annoying, noisy, and anarchic, but for sure, I’m friendly, loyal, an undeniably cute (sorry guys, I don’t do lies). For we are all different but moving in a common sphere, we would surely have conflicts at the middle of the line. We all got unique behaviors, and putting us together in a single cage would be so chaotic, but always remember, God made the world so diverse to balance everything. I just wish that no species would fall down at the end, for we all need each other. TAMAAA! =)